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M+I After Wedding Photoshoot In Plovdiv

M+I After Wedding Photoshoot In Plovdiv.

Hi guys! Can’t wait to show you that very special photo story from Plovdiv! As you know, I love this city! In fact, I could shoot there everyday and still find interesting views. Above all, I love the energy and the old culture that still lives there. In addition, I adore the old buildings and the whole architecture in the city. And above all, I love this couple and the why the have opened their minds for my ideas.

Actually, we were very happy to be there during one of the biggest festivals in Plovdiv – Kapana fest. Kapana has become the art district of Plovdiv. It is one of the best places for young people. There not only are lots of bars and restaurants, but art shops and art spaces where you can find lots of local artists’ art works.

In fact, it was very busy and full of many people everywhere. But the atmosphere was very festive and we caught the flags above the small streets of Kapana. They are one of the marks of Kapana district. But they have been removed for a while and put again only during the festivals and other holidays.

In addition, we went to the old town of Plovdiv. I was very happy that I could show so many of the good faces of Plovdiv to my clients. Every moment and emotion is better when it is shared with lovely people. We began our tour from the roman stadium and a concert of the Plovdiv Philharmony. That gave us a good tone and was like a soundtrack of the day.

In conclusion I want to thank to all my clients who meet my crazy ideas with respect and appreciation! I love you and I’m doing all this because of you!

Stay positive and in love!



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